John has been extremely fortunate to have had exceptional educational and career opportunities, and unprecedented life experiences that have resulted in unique professional abilities and management capabilities. Thankful for a life of great opportunity and achievement, John now views these experiences and capabilities as an opportunity to "give-back" to society and to future generations."

John, therefore, created a nonprofit 501(c)(3) cultural institution (The Terra Cor Institution), and has devoted the remainder of his life to creating The Terra Cor Institution as the world’s greatest cultural institution (dedicated to science, education, environment, and the arts). Through The Institution, John’s goal is to create the world’s first truly international park -- Terra Cor international Park — a gathering place of nations in tribute to mankind and nature. Dr. Frank Clemente, Head of the Department of Sociology at The Pennsylvania State University and nationally-acclaimed socioeconomist, recently wrote, "Terra Cor International Park is the most significant project for Pennsylvania witnessed in our lifetime. Its multiplicative benefits are too great to quantify at this early stage of development."

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of the Administrator in Washington, D.C. has joined John and his Terra Cor Institution under Official Cooperative Agreement toward the strategic planning and development of this project. EPA has viewed Terra Cor as being the greatest single initiative toward education and the stabilization of global environmental systems. Quoting, "The philosophy of (The Terra Cor Institution) echoes the conclusions made by a national commission of university presidents. You have, in fact, advanced the concept to a higher level by designing a tool to accomplish the commission’s goal (Terra Cor international Park). You (and the Institute) are the national leader toward the development of this new and vital concept."

In 1999, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Building and Construction Trades Council in affiliation with the AFL-CIO (made up of 30,000 members and 15 unions throughout 33 counties of western Pennsylvania (over half of the state), joined with John and Terra Cor toward development of Terra Cor International Park in western Pennsylvania. They quoted:

"This council views the development of Terra Cor International Park as perhaps the most significant happening to occur in western Pennsylvania in our lifetime. The construction of such a large project has a great appeal to the thousands of council members whose expertise will shape the land, erect the steel and mold the buildings that will comprise the world's first truly international park. But more importantly, we view Terra Cor as a vision for educational excellence, scientific discovery, and cultural enrichment that will benefit our children and the .families of western Pennsylvania and America for many generations. The very existence of Terra Cor will change the face of western Pennsylvania, creating an atmosphere conducive to expanding existing companies, creating new businesses, and attracting new industries to the region. It will result in a growth and prosperity that will affect the well being of all western Pennsylvania.

This Council fully supports the immediate development of Terra Cor in western Pennsylvania with a pledge of both resources and services. We encourage and challenge all those of vision who are concerned with the well being of our society, our economy and our future to participate in the founding and development of this cultural institution."

Following is a summary of some visionary projects that John is developing through his nonprofit organization -- The Terra Cor Institution.

Terra Cor International Park
Terra Cor is a state-of-the-art project to create in America the world’s first truly international park in the beginning of the third millennium -- introducing to the world the first in a new generation of interactive cultural theme parks in science, environment, and the performing arts. It is designed with the educational and scientific value of the Smithsonian and the entertainment dynamics of Disney World. The sum of these elements has resulted in the most dynamic and interactive cultural institution and learning center on Earth -- a gathering place of nations in tribute to mankind and nature. Terra Cor consists of six principal components: Earth Park (for earth and space sciences, arts, and humanities), International Center for the Performing Arts, Ecology Park, Convention and Resort Village, Institute of Art and Science, and National Science and Technology Laboratory. Studies have indicated that the Park (encompassing over 3,000 acres) will attract 7,000,000 annual visitors from throughout America and the world, create 15,000 jobs (3,000 at the Park and 12,000 regional spin-off jobs), and generate $700,000,000 of annual regional economic stimulation. Terra Cor will offer educational programs to children, families, school systems, universities, industries, communities, and government agencies that will significantly affect the well-being of America for generations.

Terra Cor National Laboratory
Terra Cor National Laboratory (for education, science and technology, and environment) is perhaps the country’s most comprehensive attempt to address science and the state-of-education in America and the health of our global environment. It represents a grand private/public research and development partnership among Terra Cor and government, universities, industry, and concerned Americans. The lab will serve as both a research center for scientific discovery and technology, and as a national educational outreach center. It is dedicated to the advancement of science and technology, excellence in education, and environmental conservation (the wise-use of our natural resources). Federal Cooperative Agreements have been offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon Research Department), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Eco-Trek America
This dynamic and adventuresome excellence-in-education field-studies program (dedicated to science, education, cultural enrichment, and career development) is designed to take teenage students on 21 day learning and career-development adventures throughout 11 of America's natural wonders and national parks. The course, entitled "Ecology of Southwest Deserts and Mountains", has been accredited with 10 university credits, and the curriculum is taught by professional instructors from universities and institutions throughout the West. It is a state-of-the-art program to introduce children to the wonders of science (geology and geography, ecology, plant and wildlife sciences, meteorology and astronomy, hydrology and aquatic ecology, archaeology and paleontology) and the rich native American and early American cultural diversity that helped in shaping a nation. The curriculum is intended to encourage excellence-in-education and to stimulate the pursuit of college education, career development, and prosperous and productive lives for the thousands of children who participate in our Eco-Trek America program.

Eastern Elk Heritage Park
Continuing his involvement with the Pennsylvania elk herd for nearly 30 years, recently John designed a 600-square-mile Eastern Elk Heritage Park (with visitor center, nature trails, driving tours and elk-viewing vistas, and education and research institute) toward benefiting the citizens and conserving the unique natural heritage within four needy counties of north central Pennsylvania. Market, socioeconomic, finance, and engineering studies funded by the State of Pennsylvania indicated that the project will create hundreds of new jobs and generate $12,000,000 of annual regional revenue attracting about a half million visitors annually from throughout Pennsylvania and the East. John developed a comprehensive education and research plan that will serve the well-being of the elk herd, residents of the elk area, and the people of Pennsylvania and eastern America for generations to come. The project is directed by Eastern Elk Institute, a nonprofit subsidiary of the 501(c)(3) Terra Cor Institution.

These projects of vision were designed to transcend political, cultural, and international differences toward addressing national social, educational, technological, economic, and environmental issues that face America today; and to provide sensible solutions toward preventing these issues from becoming major problems that could jeopardize America’s national security and global stability in the future.

Creating Your Personal Legacy
Already many people of vision, businesses and industries, and state and federal agencies have generously contributed funding and services toward the building of Terra Cor -- but many more founding partners are still needed. Every contribution is fully tax deductible, and its importance will be permanently acknowledged by listing each donor in Founder’s Hall, located near the Fountains of the Seven Continents at the main entrance of Terra Cor International Park. Most significantly, however, is the great benefit to America and the world from your participation toward creating Terra Cor, one of the world’s greatest cultural institutions. Your contribution to Terra Cor represents a personal and family legacy that will stand for generations as a tribute to those of vision who choose to create a better America for today, and a more secure America for tomorrow.

Nothing like Terra Cor exists anywhere in America or the world. To participate with John and his growing numbers of founding partners in the building of Terra Cor, John may be contacted via email at; and by telephone at (724)468-8789. All contributions are fully tax deductible, should be made payable to ‘The Terra Cor Institution’, and can be addressed to:

The Terra Cor Institution• P.O. Box 44 Murrysville, PA 15668